Saturday, October 16, 2010

Social Bookmarking and Students

As someone who number one, doesn't think it is responsible to burden high school or middle school students with online components to class, especially since some of these students don't have internet, or even home computers yet, and number two, and number two, loves time away from the constraints of technology, I believe I will not subject my students to online class components.

I like the idea of social bookmarking. I think it's actually a genius idea, but only with teachers. I think the sharing of lesson plans between teachers in a specific high school, or school district, or area is a great way to even out education in the area, and help teachers come up with ideas. I don't think students would glean as much from this activity as a teacher would. The only way to insure all students were able to get to a computer was if you had a field trip to the school computer lab. Even then, you'd have to make sure no other classes have the lab that day, and it would take up an entire day of your week. Why would you waste an entire day of discussion or lecture? I personally think it is a bad idea.

Tapped In sounds a lot like the online home schooling program I've heard a lot of people participate in. I think this method works beautifully for these home schooled kids. And by the same token, I think it would not work well in a normal public school setting. I think that kids should be exposed to either fully online classes, or fully sit down classes. This overlap could potentially be detrimental to the normal high school student.

Information found at:

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